Paddle SC

Lynches River

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Lynches River

Along its winding course, the Lynches River passes through a varied landscape of pine uplands, farms, rural crossroads, and deep swamp forest. Special features include numerous small islands and sloughs, intermittent bluffs, bottomland hardwood wetlands, and artesian wells. The river corridor provides excellent habitat for fish and wildlife. Recreation opportunities include fishing, boating, wildlife observation, and camping. Sites for public access are well distributed along the river and these include Lee State Park and Lynches River County Park. Of particular historic interest is Snow's Island, an area of swampland formed in the convergence of Lynches River, Clark Creek and the Great Pee Dee River. Snow's Island is designated as a National Historic Landmark and listed in the National Register of Historic Places, because of its significance as a Revolutionary War campsite and retreat for General Francis Marion, the Swamp Fox, and his forces.

Approximately 100 miles of the Lynches is designated a State Scenic River from the US Hwy 15 crossing in Lee County to its confluence with the Great Pee Dee River in Florence County. Additional recognition is given to the historic and recreational values of the Lynches River and Great Pee Dee River where a 66-mile section is designated The Revolutionary Rivers National Water Trail of South Carolina.

Adjacent Waterways: downstream, Pee Dee River.

Suggested Trips (4)

Featured trips for this waterway showing difficulty (circles) and current runnability status (squares). .

(Credit: River Rat's Outfitters)
(Credit: SCDNR)
Waterway Resources
Skip the booze cruise
A fun day on the water can quickly turn into trouble, if alcohol impairs decisions and reaction time. Stay safe and enjoy your drinks after your float.
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Access Amenities
Parking - Dedicated Lot
Parking - Roadside
Restroom / Toilets
Fee Required
Handicap Accessible
Paddle SC is presented by
Upstate Forever
South Carolina Department of Natural Resources
South Carolina National Heritage Corridor
Rainey Foundation